Our staff are passionate, enthusiastic and dedicated. They are committed to making positive contributions to all students learning and meeting the diverse learning needs of our students.
They are professional with the support and care for all our students and are highly skilled in providing teaching and learning programmes that meet the identified needs of our students.
Our teachers bring a wealth of knowledge, experience and enthusiasm to help our students with their learning. With their diverse skills and interests, our teachers collaborate to create programmes and experiences which will excite and motivate our students.
Our teachers regularly up-skill their professional development and continue to engage in many professional learning opportunities to ensure they have the skills and strategies to provide opportunities for students to be thinkers, to innovate, create, collaborate, communicate and be curious about their learning.
Our experienced support staff ensure the smooth running of the school and are always available to help with any questions or concerns.
We provide the foundation for lifelong learners through our supportive, stimulating and caring environment. We are continually improving on the development of our curriculum in order to ensure our students are engaged thinking and challenged.
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