


Enrolment Form

About Me New Entrant


Rotokawa School is a contributing primary school set in the outskirts of Owhata, with views over Te Rotorua-nui-a-Kahumatamomoe and Mokoia Island. With 190 students spread across 9 classes, Rotokawa School caters to students from both rural and urban settings providing both auraki/mainstream and reo rua (bilingual learning) learning options. 

 This little school allows students to bring and celebrate a range of experiences and talents to their school environment and invites all prospective students and their families/whānau along to visit our school. 

At our school, you will meet with Mr Regan Williams (Principal) or Whaea Christina Roberts (Deputy Principal), for a friendly chat about your child, their interests and their learning and discuss next steps for your child and their enrolment. Following this, various enrolment forms will be completed  to further inform the school about your child.



New Entrant Enrolment 

At Rotokawa School, we welcome all children to visit our school prior to becoming new entrant students. Children may be enrolled before their fifth birthday, however may not start attending school until they are actually five.

Transition to School visits support children to develop relationships, become familiar with their new setting and get a feel of what school life is going to be like here at Rotokawa School. All learners transitioning to school are welcome to come in and see what our school and New Entrant class is about with our ‘Transition to School Programme’. This visit can be arranged through the school office or through the pre-school which your child attends. We value the importance of transition to school from ECE centres and work alongside our local centres to develop close relationships that are positive for your child starting school.

Children may be enrolled before their fifth birthday, however may not start attending school until they are actually five.

An enrolment form, along with a birth certificate and record of immunisation is required for verification and must be produced to complete enrolment.



Transition from another School

From time to time, we understand that students and whānau/families require transition to a new school. Rotokawa School can support you in this process and work with you to ensure that this process is as smooth as possible for not only your child, but for the whānau/family also.

As above, our Principal or Deputy Principal will take you on a tour around the school and discuss the best plan of action to support your child in their learning here at Rotokawa School.

If you are transitioning to our school, please feel free to:

Pop in to the office to see our office administrator
Give our office administrator a call on 07 345 6129 to organise an initial visit
Email our office administrator on admin@rotokawa.school.nz to organise an initial visit




Transitioning to Intermediate

Every year, Rotokawa School works hard to ensure that our Year 6 transition to intermediate is as smooth and supporting for our students as possible.

As a school we know that successful transitions are planned and implemented by a collaborative team. For our school, we work closely alongside Mokoia Intermedaite (who are one of the schools within the Rotorua East Kāhui Ako/Community of Learning which we also belong to).  However, if students and family/whānau choose a different pathway, we can support this too.

To ensure the best transition for our Year 6 students, we work collaboratively together to:

Get to know the students
Partner with the family/whānau
Plan for successful transitions to school
Prepare for a new student with additional needs in the classroom
Share information that will support the wellbeing, learning and development of students
If you have any questions relating to Year 6 transition to intermediate, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Rotorua Performance & Mechanical Kidz World Childcare Centre Platinum Homes Rotorua Techlight Ltd Tarnix Security Adventure City Electrical Redwood Joinery The Wash Place Rotorua
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