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“Inā kei te mohio koe ko wai koe, I anga mai koe i hea, kei te mohio koe. Kei te anga atu ki hea”
If you know who you are and where you are from, then you will know where you are going
The ability to stand confidently in their unique self.
Kei te tū kaha, tū maia i tīna ake ahurei.
“Inā kei te mōhio koe ko wai koe, I anga mai koe i hea, kei te mōhio koe. Kei te anga atu ki hea”
If you know who you are and where you are from, then you will know where you are going
The ability to support others to develop a sense of belonging at Rotokawa School.
Kei te mihi ētahi atu ki te whānau o Rotokawa.
“Ko au ko koe, ko koe ko au"
I am you and you are me
The ability to empower others to take pride in who they are and themselves as learners at Rotokawa School.
Ka whakamana i ētahi atu, ki te eke angitu.
"Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua"
Care for the land, care for the people, go forward!
The ability to reflect on the situation at hand and display, offer and encourage others to also use safe, caring and kind practices.
Nā te huritao me te mahi o te ākonga, hei aki ai ētahi atu ki te tiaki i ngā tangata, i ngā mea i ngā taiao.
“He waka eke noa”
A canoe which we are all in with no exception
The ability to display empathy, knowledge, understanding and innovation while guiding others to achieve their full potential.
Nā te aroha, me te mōhiotanga o te ākonga hei aki aki ia i ētahi atu ki te whakatutuki i o rātau tino pukenga.
“Titiro whakamuri, kokiri whakamua”
Look back and reflect so you can move forward
The ability to show oneself as a nurturing and caring learner who protects people, the environment, learning and knowledge.
He tangata akaiaki o ngā mea katoa i ngā wā, i ngā wahi.
The following vision statement and values were created with consultation of students, staff and the community.
Whakaarohia etahi atu; he pai ki te kura, he pai ki te ako, ki te whakapai ake i to wawata.
Consider others; enjoy school, enjoy learning, to improve your future.
Have fun – Include others – Be respectful – Be safe and responsible – Be truthful
These values guide our curriculum and learning across the school year.
Creating exciting learning through stimulating, challenging, supportive, inclusive and relevant experiences.
The crest shows the warrior chief on the prow of a canoe. It represents an old motto “Kia Hiwa Ra” which means “Look Ahead” – the current school motto “Whakaaro Nui Ki Etahi” means “Great Thoughts for Others” or “Consider others”.
Teachers use these terms with the children in class to support their learning along with our school vision and values.
20 Feb 2025
This is just a reminder about the Whole School trip to Maketū tomorrow. Students will be travelling via bus. We will depart shortly after 9am (as the Whakatau is at 10.00am), so it is important that students arrive on time to school. We will return by 3pm. Just a reminder that students on Whaea Taima's van will need to be dropped off and picked up from school.
What Your Child Needs
To ensure a comfortable and safe day, please ensure your child comes prepared with the following items:
Wearing house colours (named please)
Comfortable walking shoes
Sunhat and sunscreen (named please)
Swimsuit and towel (named please)
A packed morning tea and a water bottle (no glass, please). Lunch from school will be provided.
Any necessary medication (please inform staff if applicable)
Parent helpers
Thank you all for offering to support - you should have all received a text confirming your support. We have a Parent - helper debriefing at 8.30am in the morning in the staffroom. Please come along.
If you have any questions, please see the classroom teacher.
Rotokawa School Touch Rugby Notice
Game Dates: 18th & 19th February 2025
Location: Westbrook Park
Kia ora whānau,
Here are the details for our upcoming touch rugby games. Please ensure players arrive at least 15 minutes before their scheduled game time, in full uniform and ready to play. Supporters are encouraged to come along and cheer for our tamariki!
Tuesday, 18th February 2025
Rotokawa Ngā Manu Rere vs RPS Taonga Girls
4:00 PM | Westbrook Park: Field 5
Rotokawa Ngā Manu Rere vs Hurunga Aterea
4:20 PM | Westbrook Park: Field 5
Wednesday, 19th February 2025
Rotokawa Ngā Manu Toa vs WHPS Cheetahs
4:40 PM | Westbrook Park
Rotokawa Ngā Manu Toa vs Westbrook Pukehangi
5:00 PM | Westbrook Park: Field 4
Rotokawa Ngā Manu Kaha vs Sunset Strikers
5:00 PM | Westbrook Park: Field 6
Rotokawa Ngā Manu Kaha – BYE
Thank you to all players, coaches, and supporters for your dedication and enthusiasm
Ngā mihi,
Rotokawa School Sports Coordinator
Subject: Fundraising & Stallholder Opportunity – Rotokawa Gala 2025
Kia ora Rotokawa whānau and community,
We are excited to invite you to be part of our Annual Rotokawa Gala on Thursday, 27th March 2025! This is a fantastic opportunity to support our school, connect with the community, and, for those interested, fundraise for a great cause.
Get Involved!
Community Kai or drink Stalls – Local businesses and groups are invited to run a stall for a $30 fee. This is a great chance to showcase your food, support the school, and engage with the wider community. All planning, preparation, selling, and handling of funds will be the responsibility of the stallholder.
If you’d like to run a kai/drink stall, please email christina@rotokawa.school.nz to express your interest by 28th February. Please include: What your stall is named, what you will sell, the type of space you require etc. A staff member will confirm your stall via text.
Promote Your Stall! To help spread the word, please send a completed poster with details to christina@rotokawa.school.nz by 3rd March.
We look forward to an amazing event and hope to see our community come together in support of our kura and tamariki!
Ngā mihi,
Rotokawa School
Parents, please support our local businesses
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